A to the Z

This is my life. Sometimes it's boring, sometimes it's dramatic, sometimes it's a delightful and confusing mix of both. This is my outlet and will share my daily life as I attempt to move past a pretty scary past.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


We are in for the day. That might seem okay, as there is plenty to do around here in the form of cleaning,dishes, laundry, etc... and it's cold out. Who wants to go out in the cold? Well, when I can't is when I want to. I miss my freedom to come and go as I please.

However, having the perspective that I do and having lost all of my rights and freedom for 9 weeks and 4 days, I am most thankful to be in my home, with my boys, during the holidays. Because that wasn't the original plan. Good old Peyton wanted me to be a resident at the Annex during this holiday season. Screw you Peyton! I may have lost the war, but I did win one battle. A very important battle.

So perhaps me and G will get jiggy and start cleaning up around here? Perhaps I will make Spaghetti with Meat Sauce tonight? Perhaps I should start shoveling through the piles of gifts to wrap?

That would all make me feel good and productive. But I can't seem to find any endurance to get started?

What a strange life I live. And what strange, convoluted posts I make. But this blog is mostly for me.

And I miss Brandon today. Hard and Fast and In My Core. I miss his cheeks and his lankiness and his little sweet voice and oh... those hands. I miss holding those little hands. Why did he have to go away?

End post.

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