A to the Z

This is my life. Sometimes it's boring, sometimes it's dramatic, sometimes it's a delightful and confusing mix of both. This is my outlet and will share my daily life as I attempt to move past a pretty scary past.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I was just trying to be nice to you when I sent you that nice little note, coupons and that check. I am sorry that you felt compelled to check with your dad to make sure it was okay to cash it. I don't understand why you don't understand that we ARE married, we have been for four years, and I am definitely ALLOWED to write checks from my OWN checking account? You have turned a nice gesture into hurting my feelings. I am sorry that you don't respect or trust me. Do you think it is stolen money or what? I will never move past my past if people like you keep throwing it back in my face. Thanks for ruining what I anticipated to be a nice and comfy Sunday afternoon with MY husband and little boy.

However, since you got your permission from MY HUSBAND to cash the check, I hope you enjoy all of your new clothes for your skinniness. And I hope someday you accept me as your dad's WIFE and as a good, giving, sincere person just trying to make it in this harsh world.

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