I kinda enjoy this private little corner in cyberspace where I can allow all of my feelings to gush out and all over this page. It seems to be providing an outlet so that I can move on IRL without being tied down to by the raging hormone du jour. <<<< that was kinda funny, but only if you are Charlie, and since he doesn't even know that this thing even exists (thank goodness! I would be so... embarassed maybe? something for sure!) no one is going to get it. Oh, I suppose Amy Somebody-Or-Another would, and maybe AS... but that's it. For sure.
Obviously, when I get real passionate/sad/angry about something, it does bubble up in my real life, but all I am saying is that this is a nice place to go and breathe, say whatever I have to say uncensored, and then come back to reality with a bit of a lighter load. Unlike many others, I am not blogging for the entertainment of others... I am blogging to keep my sanity in check by displacing as much negative as I can so that I can focus on positive. I don't know if its helping or not, but I do know that I enjoy no one really knowing about this blog, so I can be real and raw.
Just in case you are blog-surfing and do stumble across this thing, although you most likely don't know me and will never know me, I am NOT at all as angry, cussy, mean as i sound in this blog, FTR... which is another reason I enjoy this thing, it allows me to brain-write, which has not gone through my censoring processes... so a lot of what I write here I would never ever actually say... but again, that's the whole point.
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